Sunday, September 6, 2009

prActice agAin~~~

chged some steps ,
chged place to pratice,
the dance mood also chged

5 of us tak it not serious
for today,
all of us lailaihan,
wats going on?
last time wont lik tat d

SRY for made u all gt little behsong,
i noe,
altot u nvr release out,
bt i juz thking the btr ways to make the dance perfect,
1 by 1 dance ,
for easier us to concentrate to ur step
and found the mistake

the repeat repeat n repeat,
juz wan u all to rmb the step ,
mak sure no mistake again,
mayb i chged the mood for the dance,
and gt some stress,
juz sry ,
forgiv me ,dear~~

altot tat,u all done well
Good job for all of u^^


aftertat we go mama,
5 ppl 5 different drinksmy rojak mee,acctually nt nice also....
wat wat wat also chat thr ,lik 5 xiaozapo
damn 38 lo
about 6pm ,wanci back

still so free,
then we chg the place,
went 一杯花茶,
acctually went thr as a bulb,
ming & her bf go patuo,
then 3 light bulb thr,

torng me n yee,
3 of us juz call for 2 drink,
the most cheap drink,
juz ming them gt eat,for poor person ,
bside chating n gaming thr really nth to do,
very lame
